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Spanish IV







10 Classes


The Tutoring & Learning Academy

6th - 12th

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Every Wednesday

March 6th, 2023 - May 8th, 2023

About TLA Spanish IV


Spanish IV is an advanced-level language course designed for students who have completed Spanish III or demonstrate an equivalent proficiency in the language. This course is designed to elevate students' language skills to a higher level of proficiency and sophistication. The primary objectives are to refine spoken and written expression, deepen cultural understanding, and enhance the ability to engage with complex literary and authentic materials.


Oral proficiency is a central focus of Spanish IV, with an emphasis on fluency, accuracy, and the ability to articulate ideas with precision. s on topics ranging from global issues to literary analysis. 


Grammar study in Spanish IV advances to cover more intricate and nuanced aspects of the language, including advanced verb tenses, the use of subjunctive and indicative moods in complex sentences, and idiomatic expressions. Students will refine their ability to use these structures effectively in both spoken and written communication.

Vocabulary expansion continues, with a focus on specialized terminology related to academic disciplines, professions, and specific areas of interest.


By the end of the course, students will have achieved a high level of proficiency in the Spanish language, demonstrating advanced linguistic skills and cultural competency. 

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